
Nullam facilisis diam in metus tincidunt faucibus. Donec ultrices urna felis, vel porttitor neque eleifend at. Maecenas aliquam tincidunt erat, non suscipit augue iaculis ac. Curabitur interdum tristique cursus. Maecenas sit amet nisl in ante lacinia pulvinar. Ut suscipit malesuada tincidunt. Maecenas auctor arcu ac urna luctus efficitur. Donec ut fringilla tellus.

Saskatchewan Blue Cross LIGHT WALKS return!

Back by popular demand!TWO NIGHTS ONLY: Thursday November 14 & Friday November 155:30 PM – 9:00 PMSaskatoon Forestry Farm Park$5/person or $20/family – Ages 5 & Under Free!Cash preferred. Credit or Debit accepted at the gateNo tickets in advance, pay at the gate.No vehicles or pets allowed.Park nearby or drop off and pick up near the front gateWarm Up and Tim Hortons Hot Chocolate available in the hall… first come first served!For your safety you must stay on the roadway at…

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25th Anniversary Sets Record-Breaking Attendance Record!

RECORD CROWDS CELEBRATE 25TH ANNIVERSARY 93,440 visitors entered the gates of the BHP Enchanted Forest at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm this past Holiday Season, setting a new attendance record for this special 25th Anniversary. This surpasses the previous high mark of 92,000 set during COVID year 2020/2021. The new record was established even with a lack of snow for almost the entire event. Key factors that attributed to the large attendance numbers The Saskatoon Zoo Foundation and Saskatoon City Hospital…

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About us

The BHP Enchanted Forest Holiday Light Display, in the 25 year history, has raised more than $6,000,000.00, shared between the Saskatoon Zoo Foundation and the Saskatoon City Hospital Foundation.

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